Great Whale River Thomas Alder
Oct. 12 1815
" in the afternoon Arrived at Whale River. Anchor'd the Vefsel close to the House, found the only resident at the place in good health. Viz. Peter Cock.
(George Atkinson and his brother Jacob being at Cape Jones)
The residents here the ensuing Winter will consist of the following persons Viz. Alder Thomas, Good Philip, Garton John, Atkinson George Senior, Atkinson Jacob, Evanson Lars, Sevenson Lars, Halcrow David, Stewart John, Davison William, Chilton Robert, Cock Peter, Brennon James and Drever James"
1M59 B.372/a/3

Great Whale River Thomas Alder
Oct. 14 1815
..." in fact nothing has been done since I left this place to render the dwellings in the least comfortable nor a stick of Firewood as yet Collected tho so late in the Season"

Oct. 16 1815
" on opening of Cargo to day found the Tobacco, Cotton shirts, Biscuit, and some of the Slops damaged, the new Sloop being very Leaky."

Nov. 4 Saturday 1815
..." this morning the River was entirely fast, the people employed Carrying the wood up the bank brought home on Tuesday. except David Halcrow who partly finished the forge and began making hinges for the mens house windows."

Nov. 5
" a heavy gale of wind in the night broke up the Ice which took away the Long boat from her moorings, the prefsure of Ice having broke the Cable. the raft of wood brought home on Friday night was likewise carried away, they were both taken about 1 1/4 Miles down the River. at breakfast time the flood tide brought them back up again opposite the House. but did not succeed in saving the Long boat till late in the Afternoon the raft of wood went adrift again and I'm afraid will be entirely lost together with the Kedge ropes etc."

Nov. 7 1815
" Halcrow fitting funnels to the Sloops stove in the mens House for them to cook in"...

Nov. 11
" the Blacksmith repairing the x cut saws making Nails and pairing the Horses feet preparutory to shoeing. Stewart finished and hung a door to his cabin, the others were employed fetching down a Spar from up the River. afterwards cut a little firewood but the extreme Snow and drift prevented that necefsary employ. since the commencement of the month we have had Snow & drift more or lefs evry day. in short during my residence in this Country I never knew so boisterous a Fall, the snow is nearly as much as there was at any period last winter."

Great Whale River
Nov. 13 1815 Thomas Alder
" Stewart and Chilton making a Carpenters bench. Sevenson and Cock at the pit saw cutting boards for partitions. Halcrow making Shoes for the Mare. Jacob Atkinson was with his brother getting wood for Sleds for the latter to return to his family. three cutting firewood as the weather permitted. Brennon cook. the boy Thomas Wiegand variously employed at all times as farr as his age and strength will permit"
1M59 B.372/a/3

Nov. 21
" two drefsing boards and making a Door, Halcrow making Nails etc. two at the pit saw, the others hauling home and cut firewood. G. Atkinson and three of his Indian relations set off to Big River. the boy T. Wiegand and two other boys Angled a few Trout."

Nov. 22
..."Thermometer this morning 17 below zero"

Nov. 24
..." in the Evening John Stewart in a joke unfortunately shoved David Halcrow against the carpenters bench by which misfortune two of his ribs were broken, the Children & Davison were angling yesterday and to day they brought a few small trout."

Nov. 29 1815
" two at the pit saw, two planeing board, two cutting firewood Halcrow getting better, one cook, few or no partridges about (our chief dependance is on European Meat and the few Geese from Cape Jones in the Fall) the only reason to be afsigned for the scarcity of Birds is I suppose is the great quantity of Snow which has nearly enveloped the whole of the willows on which they feed"
1M59 B.372/a/3

Dec. 4
..."Davison acts as cook the only employment he's worth putting to. Halcrow is worse having caught cold"...

Dec. 7
..." the boy cuts firewood and is Domestically employed"

Dec. 9
..." about noon two of Weequayabbinos Sons came in from the South'wd and in the Afternoon Netaweshcum and two of his brothers came in apparently well gooded. (the weather is remarkable boisterous)"

Dec. 10 1815
" Jacob Atkinson came home brought a Porcupine. the Indians of Yesterday Traded and paid their Debts they brought 154 Martens, 14 Musquashes, 3 Minks, 2 Otters, 15 Foxes, and 23 lbs fish"...

Dec. 23 1815
..." Cock and Davison Late in the Evening returned with bag and baggage. they only brought three small trout, (the whole that they have procured since the 16th inst. that they went away from here is only six fish, and have seen only four partridges, during that period, they had two nets and fifteen hooks set besides Angling evry day) Jacob Atkinson left them Yesterday in pursuit of Deer"...
1M59 B.372/a/3

Great Whale River Thomas Alder
Jan. 3 1816
" the Blacksmith repaired the Stove door in the Masters House. Chilton shoeing the wooding Sled, the Cooper ill, Brennon cook, all the others were at the woods Collecting firewood. self and Mr. Garton hunting."
1M59 B.372/a/3

Great Whale River Thomas Alder
Jan. 15 1816 Monday
" Halcrow repairing Indian Traps & Guns. Sevenson drefsing boards for making a Desk. Stewart repairing Rundlets, Brennon cook, the others felling firewood. the boy domestically employed. the Indians of Yesterday brought 14 Foxes and 52 Martens, six Shoulders of Venison, 2 Hearts and some fish. the change in the Weather is great since Yesterday, in the morning of Sunday it was 38 below Zero and this day it was 17 above"
1M59 B.372/a/3

Jan. 16
..." the Indians went away, sent them a present of Rum and Tobacco to some of the Southern Indians who I understand to be doing tolerable well in the Furr way. likewise to encourage them to bring in Provisions of which we stand much in need for the people. the European Meat being very bad, its the worst I ever met with"

Feb. 2
" Chilton had the misfortune to cut himself severely on the Ancle, having split the bone"

Feb. 19 1816
" Cock, Brennon, Davison and Evanson went up the River to make a Log tent. Chilton tho recovering of his lamenefs is unfit for any service except picking Oakum, and to day he drefsed a pr of Snow shoe frames"...

Feb. 20 Tuesday
..." in the afternoon Jacob Atkinson and his son came in nearly starved to Death, (he left his family yesterday morning without a single mouthfull of Victuals) it was with the greatest difficulty they reached here. added to their starving state they are both very much frozen"

Feb. 21
..." should have sent some Provisions to Jacobs family but he says the people would not be able to find their way. yesterday morning the Thermometer was 43 below Zero and this day it was 15 above"...

Feb. 22
"Mr. Garton, Drever, and Jacobs son went off this morning with a supply of Provisions for the woman and Children mentioned on Tuesday"...

Feb. 26
..." Jacob Atkinson is still too feeble to do any thing and Chilton is still lame"...

Feb. 28
..." Mr. Garton and Drever returned with Jacobs family. they only saw one partridge the seven days they have been absent"

Mar. 2 1816
" Drever and the boy was with the Horses hauling firewood, the others cut wood for the fires. two of the men came home from up the River to bake Bread"

Mar. 3
" the Thermometer this Morning was 49 below Zero"...

Mar. 4
" Drever and the boy were with the Horses sledging home firewood"...

Mar. 5 1816
" Stewart and Drever went up the River to join the wooders, the latter as partner to Peter Cock at the pit saw. those at home cut firewood, Jacob Atkinson went up the River hunting"...

Mar. 7
" the people making a path to haul out firewood to the River, afterwards cut some for the fires, Thermometer 53 below Zero"...

Mar. 9
" in the Afternoon Jacob Atkinson and son came home brt 20 partridges, the Sawyers and wooders came home. short after their arrival they sent a petition representing their inability to work on the allowance they now have, and requesting the usual allowance of 1/2 pint of Oatmeal per day each man, which they did not get this last week, or flour in lieu of Oatmeal. there is little or none remaining of the latter except a small quantity kept for sicknefs or any particular emergence. as for Flour there will not be sufficient to serve to the usual period of receiving the supplies. the petition was signed by the whole Jacob Atkinson excepted, and represented that it would breed discontent. but if their request was complied with it would preserve tranquillity"
1M59 B.372/a/3

Mar. 18 1816
" Cock and Drever returned to their Tent to resume their Sawing, Sevenson, Brennon, and Davison went up the River to Collect firewood. Evansen, Halcrow, Chilton and Stewart with the little Horse hauled home firewood"...

Mar. 31
" In the Afternoon two Indian men and a woman came in from the NE. they inform me they saw a Tent in which they suppose a family of Indians has perished. they say they did not go to the tent. therefore I suppose it to be a superstitious Idea to which I paid little attention."

Apr. 2
" Chilton making Snow Shoes, Halcrow making Nails, two cut firewood, five preparing to go to the Goose Tent. Evansen somewhat better. this afternoon the little Horse was unfortunately mortally shot at a set Gun (and the Mare at the same time was wounded in the Nose) the lofs of him will be severely felt at this place from the distance the firewood is got and what there is, is so wide apart that little else can be done but collecting it during the winter"

Apr. 3
" Mr. Garton, Jacob Atkinson, Chilton, Brennon, Halcrow, Davison and Stewart set off with Ammuntion etc. for the Goose Tent at Wastecan"

Great Whale River Thomas Alder
Apr. 8 1816 Monday
..." on Saturday last a heavy fall of Snow and this day the same. not surpafsed at any period during the winter. the aggregate depth of Snow its impofsible to form any idea of. the continual Gales of Wind which prevail here drifting it in immense bodies in some places whilst in others the ground is barely covered. the Ice in the River from 4 to 5 Feet in thicknefs."
1M59 B.372/a/3

Great Whale River Thomas Alder
Apr. 12 1816
" Brennon, Halcrow, Davison & Stewart returned, exclusive of Jacob Atkinson, Robert Chilton is detained, received the following Letter from Mr. Garton"

" After 8 days hard labour and very bad weather we have only got about 30 Miles from Whale River, the Ice is very rough and Snow so very deep that it is impofsible to go on with the big Sled. four of the men we sent back. I've detained Robert Chilton to Afsist in hauling the Powder Shot etc. on small sleds, Jacob Atkinsons victuals done or nearly so, those that return are victualled for the twelfth"...

Apr. 15
..." Stewart and Sevenson incapable of duty from Snowblindnefs. The Thermometer 42 above Zero which is the first time we have had any thaw worth mentioning since the Winter commenced"

Apr. 16
" Stewart repairing the Ovens. Lars still snowblind"

Apr. 17
" Stewart and Evansen drefsing weatherboards for the mens House roof"..." Sevenson still blind"

Apr. 19
" the people (except Sevenson who is still blind) hauled home and cut firewood. this morning the men again complained that their allowance was inadequate. and they had no bread for breakfast from the bad state of the Meat. and there being no Oatmeal at the place to serve with it. I've given them each 2 lbs flour for the present."

Apr. 20
" the employs as yesterday. Cock and Drever came home from up the river. served the people an extra lb of flour Per Week in lieu of Oatmeal"

Apr. 24
" Sevenson and Brennon stocked and Pudding'd an Anchor for use with the whale Net. Stewart Ill with a pain in his head"

Apr. 25
" the people took down the temporary forge and stowed some of our empty Hogsheads therein to preserve them from the Sun"...

Apr. 29
" Stewart repairing barrels for floats. Cock and Drever at the Pit saw. the others got Logs up the bank, and partly made a temporary forge out of doors, tarred a Crab for the whale Net, a Pump for the Sloop"...

Apr. 30
..." Evansen & Sevenson mending Sails, two finished the forge"...

May 1 1816
" in the morning all hands hauled home the two boats left up river last fall. afterwards the Sawyers and Sail menders returned to their employs"...
1M59 B.372/a/3

May 2
" two at the pit saw. Stewart making a small Cart. four clearing stumps away for Garden ground. Davison laid up with the Scurvy"

May 6
" Cock and Drever at the pit saw. all the others clearing away stumps."

May 9
" Halcrow making a Garden rake. Evansen preparing ropes for slinging floats. Brennon cleaning casks ready for painting"...

May 10
" Halcrow finished the rake and made some Nails. two repairing the bellows. the others grubbed up stumps."

May 11
..." Brennon and Drever digging Garden ground. Stewart and Cock putting up posts and paling to keep the Indians away from the windows."...

May 12
" two women came in starving. one of them the Wife of one of the Indians that went away from here the 18th March. he died thro Hunger very soon after leaving here. several other families that they have seen are likewise starving."

May 17
" Evansen, Drever and Brennon Collecting underwood for making Charcoal. Sevenson repairing boats. Cock afsisting the Blacksmith to draw out rods for making Nails."...

May 18
..." no appearance of Summer yet and the Weather very cold."

May 20
" Early this Morning sent Peter Cock and Davison to the Southward to set a Net and some Hooks. Sevenson repairing boats. Stewart making washing Tubs.Evansen and Drever felling and hauling home firewood. Halcrow made an Ice Chisel and afsisted the wooders. Brennon cooked and cut firewood"

May 22 1816
" Brennon and Drever brewed small beer. three getting firewood. not a fish from the Hooks."

Great Whale River Thomas Alder
May 23 1816
" Sevenson and Stewart repairing boats. Evansen knotting yarns for Spunyarn. Brennon cook. the other two cut firewood. John Stewart last night shot a valuable dog belonging to Mr.Good. he having eat part of a piece of Pork which he had put into a Tub to freshen. the Tub was three parts full of Ice and not sufficient water to cover the Meat. there was no cover to the Tub and that at a distance from the House. Mr. Good this morning on telling him his Meat had not been properly secured and that he should endeavour to have satisfaction for what he had done by representing his Conduct to the Governor at Moose next Summer. he insolently told him that he had had satisfaction enough himself by killing the dog and that he Mr. Good might get any satisfaction he thought proper as he did not Value him a pin for all that he could represent."
1M59 B.372/a/3

Great Whale River Thomas Alder
May 24 1816
" two repairing boats. Halcrow making Iron work for them. two Carried up Clay for making a Charcoal pit. Evansen knotting Yarns."

May 25
..." Davison came home. him and his Partner did not get to the fishing place till Wednesday [May 22] owing to the Snow and drift. he brought nothing. Yesterday Evening they got the first Fish which they baited their Hooks with (our Hooks at home we took up they not having produced a single fish. the Ice in the River about 4 1/2 Feet thick. a few Inches of water on the top and about 6 Inches new Ice on the top of all) at the Lake where Davison came from the Ice is about 5 1/2 Feet thick"

May 26
... George Atkinson Senior and an Indian arrived from the Southward. Robert Chilton"..."met us to day as me and Mr. Good were walking out about three Miles distant from here, found part of a broken Anchor which from its decayed appearance has in all probability laid there upwards of a Century"..." received the following Letter from Mr. Garton"

" After a journey of 32 Days we arrived"..." I've received 3 Bushells of Salt from Big River. Geese have been seen here but have got none yet"...

May 30
..." the river opening in holes. grafs beginning to sprout"

June 1
" Evansen working at Sails and mending a Tent for G. Atkinsons journey Inland"..." weather very bad & ground covered with snow"...

June 4
" Sevenson repairing boats. two making Nails. three breaking up the froze garden ground. one cut firewood, one cook, Drever Ill, the river clear of Ice except along shore"

June 6
..." the others breaking up the Garden Ground with Pick Axes as its at this late period as solid frozen as in winter"...

June 7
..." four went up the river and fetched down some sticks for Oars"...

June 10
..." three railing in the Garden and dug a little where it was thawed"..." sowed Cabbage seed and Thyme"

June 11
" Early this morning G. Atkinson Senior, John Stewart and an Indian set off up this river on a survey of the Country. Cock and Brennon went up the river at the same time to fish"..." planted a few Potatoes, and sowed Carrots, turnips, Onions, Reddishes and Brocoli. the seed good for nothing old stuff from Moose"

June 12
..." digging and setting Potatoes this morning the ground was covered with snow"

June 13
..." this morning the ground was covered with snow again. in the afternoon heavy rain"

June 15
..." sow'd a little Barley"

June 16
"Onions sown last fall made their appearance"

June 20 1816
" two finished fencing the garden. two working at the boats. Evansen slinging Casks for floats to the whale net. Halcrow making Nails. to day the men complained that the Meat was so bad they could not eat it,(and exclusive of what is on broach I've only one Cask of Pork remaining) there is no fresh provisions to be procured here. this week they have had two days of fish. which is the first they have had of fresh provisions since the beginning of April. and the European meat is the worst I ever saw in Hudsons Bay."

June 21
..." three Indians came in from the Southward, they brought the following Letter [from Mr. Garton]"...

..." Geese are plentifull here but the powder and shot is nearly done. five Hogsheads are salted"...

June 22
..." one of the Indians yesterday had not a single Skin hunted since he went from here the 11th December last. he as well as many others having nearly perished from severe hunger. it now appears that the information rec'd the 31st March concerning some Indians having perished is too true as these Indians saw the Tent in which a man his Wife and four Children was starved to Death"..." the Turnips sowed last fall and this spring made their appearance"

June 28
" Sevenson and Chilton caulking the Long boat and making Oars, the others picked Oakum, two Inches of snow on the ground this morning. the willows vegetate slowly"

June 30
" a few Cabbage plants made their appearance. three hands went to look if there is any appearance of the Long boat being able to effect a pafsage to the Goose Tent. in the Evening they returned its impofsible"..." self very Ill for some time past"

July 2
..." two Inches of snow on the ground this morning. Cabbage plants & Turnips frozen"

July 5
..." Davison unable to get out of bed with the Scurvy. his legs and thighs were so much swelled last night that his clothes could not be got off till they were cut open. and Sevenson is nearly as bad"...

July 7
..." no open water to be seen out to sea from the highest mountain here. Snow this afternoon. the Weasels last night killed a Hen and eight fine Chickens"..." I never knew these vermin so numerous. there has been near 20 killed within these few days about the House."

July 8
..." the Thermometer this morning 27 and two Inches Snow"..." the boy boiling soft soap for the use of vefsels in lieu of Tallow"

July 12
..." late at night G. Atkinson Sen. John Stewart and two Indian guides returned from Surveying the Country up the river, their report is that it is a most barren Country, a very bad river, no fish to be procured and little or no game to be seen. nor is there any appearance of the Natives frequenting the interior parts for some Years past, had he been able to have got a Guide it was his intention to have crofsed the Country and to come down the little whale river the interior parts of which we know the Indians resort to"

Great Whale River Thomas Alder
July 14 1816
" a number of white Whales in the offing this morning. three Canoes went out and killed a small one. the first this Season. this tho it prevents the whales coming so soon into the River. I cannot at present prevent as the Indians are nearly starving"...
1M59 B.372/a/3

Great Whale River Thomas Alder
July 17 1816
" Stewart repairing Hogsheads, Chilton and Sevenson caulking the Sloop. Evansen, Davison and Drever bending the long boats Sails. putting empty kegs? Salt etc. on board preparatory to fetching the Geese from the Southwd. Brennon and Cock refixing the Oil pan and building a flew to the furnace of the big Copper. Halcrow making Iron work"...

July 18
" Stewart Copying G. Atkinsons Journal. Halcrow making Iron work for Sloop. Sevenson reducing the Top mast and putting in a sheave. Chilton making a boats rudder. the others were variously employed stretching out the ropes for the new whale Net. Tarring the searing and did some small Jobs on board the Craft. rec'd 3 Measures of Blubber the first this Season"...

July 23
..." the Indian that arrived yesterday and his family nearly perished this last winter from severe hunger when fortunately discovered by some other Inds. he was unable to walk. he ate part of his Beaver skins. (this Indian is an Esquemeaux and was taken very young he is one of the best and pleasantest Indians belonging to this Settlement)"...

July 25
..." the Southwd Inds. cannot go away for the Ice. they are very hungry. the most part of them were brought up under Europeans and they cannot eat the whales. as I've got no Oatmeal I'm obliged to give them a little flour till they can get away"...

July 26 " Stewart making a washing Tub. Cock boiling the first Copper Blubber. the others backed the Net and put it on board preparatory to setting it"...

July 27
..." set the whale net"...

July 28
" Evansen & Sevenson I ordered this morning to haul the long boat off from the shore which they did but left her in a carelefs manner by which she got stoved on the Sloops Anchor. she was all ready to proceed to the Goose Tent the first fair wind but now we were obliged to land every Article even Yards and Sails to lighten her"

July 29
" the fore part all hands were employed getting the long boat on shore to repair by weighing her with hogsheads, Pumping and bailling they got the Leak temporary stopt for that purpose"..." Cock tunned the first Boiler of Oil which did not quite yield a Ton"... the Southwd Indns took Debt but I'm unable to furnish em with many efsential Articles of which they stand in need"..." I have but a very poor afsortment of goods to supply them, many of the most efsential articles are totally Expended"

July 30
" the employs was refitting the long boat, ballasting and putting her Cargo on board. three very farr off NE Indians came in they brought 2 Beaver whole, 25 Otters, 125 Martens, 10 Musquashes, 1 Bear, 5 Foxes,3 Minks and some fine Deer skins. these Inds are much difsatisfied and with good reason, they visited here last Year when they could not get what they wanted, but from the promises held out to them that ample supplies would be here in future they were induced to come again this Season but their disappointment is great. Cloth none except Mixt which they detest. Blankets none but of the smallest kind, Guns, Kettles, Twine, and many other efsential articles none. self, Mefs Good & Atkinson traded the Blankets off our beds and the Clothes etc. of our families to supply them"...

Aug. 2
..." the Cooper repairing the Oil Casks, the others got more ballast for the Sloop, got a whale from the Net to day the first this Season, they are only set in a temporary manner on the bar as the whales do not yet come into the river"

..." Thermometer at 11 am 82 above, zero in the Evening, at 5 pm 32."

Aug. 5
" three up the river at the Charcoal work, two variously employed, the others on board the Sloop. in the morning went out with four hands into the Offing, landed and went to the top of a very high hill but with a good Telescope it appears one solid body of Ice"..." this at present renders it impracticable for a Vefsel to proceed to sea."

Aug. 6
..." got a whale from the net"...

Aug. 7 1816
..." the rest pulling down the mens Chimney. fetching home stones for rebuilding it and some sticks for Oars, Ice Poles etc. etc."

Aug. 8
..." 6 Canoes of Eastmain Indians came here on a visit to their friends. they brt a Note from EM by which I'm sorry to be informed the Ships Eddystone and Hadlow have wintered in the Country at Struttons?"

Aug. 10
" the employs fetching down the Charcoal, building the Chimney, taking the Furrs out of the Sloop and preparing for going to little whale river. the News from EM has rendered this meafure requisite. Halcrow repairing Ind. Guns and did some other small jobs, part of the Indians got Debt in a very superficial manner, little or nothing remaining except powder Shot and Mixt Cloth. reduced the mens allowance from 7 to 5 lbs Flour per Week. the stock in hand will not serve till a supply can be received"

Aug. 11
" the whale net was taken up and put on board the Sloop for little whale river but cannot proceed for Ice."

Great Whale River Thomas Alder
Aug. 13 1816
..." Snow in the morning. gathered a small mefs of Turnip Tops the first this season. the Ice close to the River. neither Vefsel can proceed to Sea for it. Several Old Indian men say they never knew so backward a Season"
1M59 B.372/a/3

Aug. 14
..." the Wind this day blew very hard and the weather very thick prevented the vefsels proceeding to Sea."

Aug. 15
..." the weather did not serve to proceed to Sea a strong Wtly Gale brought the Ice close in again"...

Aug. 16
..." three farr distant NE Indians came in and are much disappointed at my not being able to supply them with necefsaries. they wanted three Guns but I had none left and many other Articles. with much persuasion they have left furrs for two Guns and some Tobacco to be forwarded to them by some of their friends next winter"...

Aug. 18
" the Ice close to the river mouth. the hills white over with Snow this morning. showers of snow during the day."

Aug. 19
" tomorrow being the day appointed for the Sloop to sail to Moose, and it being impracticable to get to little Whale River for Ice. relanded the whale nets and prepared for sailing to Moose"..." both Vefsels will now sail in Company"

Aug. 20
" at noon the Long boat dropt down to the rivers mouth. in the Evening the Sloop went down. self and Mr Good went on board the latter to proceed to Moose to settle the businefs of this place myself. to look out for a situation where we may winter as this place is unequal in future to maintain the people stationed here without having nearly a years supply of European meat (what has of late years been received) has been of a bad quality which has disabled several of our men with Scurvy - (David Halcrow is taken to afsist on board the Sloop) Sevenson being confined to his bed with that disorder. Davison and Evansen are little better."

Aug. 22
" the wind still foul, a heavy fall of Snow this morning. the Ice close in"

Aug. 23
..." soon got amongst heavy Ice which we worked thro. at noon made fast to a piece of Ground Ice. in the Evening surrounded with very heavy Ice, drifted within half a Cable length of some rocks in a perilous situation. the Long boat in Company"

Aug. 24
" pafsed the night in safety. luckily the Ice prevented our getting on the rocks. after breakfast with much difficulty warped out into clearer water. the wind being foul run back for Whale river. grounded on the bar at the entrance it being near low water. when the flood made got safe into the river. Many Geese flying to the Southwd which indicates an early Fall. a heavy fall of Snow this morning and sharp frost."

Aug. 26
" early this morning got underway - long boat in Comapny. run thro straggling Ice till 8 pm. brought up for the night under Lie of a small Island"...

Aug. 27
" the Wind foul. surrounded with heavy Ice."...

Aug. 28
" last night the Ice drove us on shore at High water. warped out and went to a Creek till the wind is fair and the Ice more off the Coast. rec'd a few fish which are very acceptable having very little provisions on board"..." the Long boat attempted a pafsage along shore"

Aug. 29
..." the vefsel drifted from her moorings and ground on a point of rocks. at 8 hove off and made Sail thro straggleing Ice"..." a breeze sprung up which shortly after turned to a strong gale"

Aug. 30
" last night proved very tempestuous. between 11 and 12 and very dark with heavy rain snow and frost, carried away our Bowspirit, Jib Timber heads, Windlafs bitt heads,the Starboard ones. and stove the deck. in this perilous situation most of the Crew ill and benumbed with cold we pafsed the night when just at day break we drifted amongst very heavy Ice, from the heavy surf broke the Larboard Chain plates against the Ice. Evansen was in imminent danger of being left on the Ice, hove him a rope which he fastened around him and was hauled on board thro the water. At 5 am brought up (in a perilous situation if the wind should shift) after the men had warmed and put on dry clothes began to repair our damages which was partially affected. At noon the gale somewhat abated. tho' I've been 20 Years coasting along the different shores I never knew a more miraculous escape"

Aug. 31
" got firewood from the shore. some of the Crew have no flour. gave them a part of what I have for myself"

Sept. 1
" went about 10 Miles and brt up at paint Island"

Sept. 2
" Wind fair, got underway about 10 am ground on a point of rocks. At noon got off and bore away for Cape Jones bay. (received a few fish from our families who we sent here to prevent being starved) in the Evening brt up in the bay. received 13 Geese."

Sept. 3
" went on shore to look out a place for our future residence. in the evening the Sloop and Long boat brought up at the river mouth."

Sept. 4
" landed the Goods, boards and planks. in the afternoon took part of it up."

Sept. 5
" I find its impracticable to settle here On Acct of the distance the Goods must be Carried over ripples and bad water. the Vefsel cannot approach near the House which must be at least five Miles up the river, in a barren swampy place and the woods so very stunted and stragling"..." I am therefore reluctantly compel'd to search farther south for a more eligible spot"...

Sept. 6
" this day reloaded the Craft to proceed to the south to find a more favorable spot to settle at. the Sloop cannot proceed to Moose till we get provsisons to Victual the Crew."

Sept. 7
" took up the Buoys and Beacons and went down opposite to the Indian Tents. quitted the Sloop and went on board the long boat to proceed to the So'wd. rec'd Geese from Indians.

Sunday Sept. 8 1816
" the Sloop proceeded to the ? sent on board 37 Geese. short after got underway withthe long boat."

Great Whale River Thomas Alder
Sept 15 1816
" on Monday last got to the Goose Tent. on Tuesday got the Geese on board. the wind proved foul from that time till this morning when we proceeded for Big River. arrived there about 3 pm found the Sloop in safety (their last Goose was cooked this day) immediately Victualled them with Salt Geese to proceed to Sea the first fair Wind. Flour I've none here to give them (much against my inclination I'm Obliged to stop here to Winter as I cannot find a more eligible spot to settle between Whale River and here) another Season we may propably find a better situation. Delivered the Letters and other necefsary Papers to Mr. P. Good."
1M59 B.372/a/3

1816 is called "The year without a summer"
